
Cyber Security
Envision a reality where each employee at your organization is a security expert, ever watchful for cyber threats and poised to counteract them. This would be the ideal situation, wouldn’t it? In today’s hybrid work environment, achieving a secured hybrid workforce of vigilance is not just advantageous — it’s essential. While having the correct security...
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Strengthening Your Security Posture Just Got a Whole Lot Easier Businesses, especially small and midsize ones, face constant threats from malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and compromise sensitive data. According to Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, exploitation of vulnerabilities as an initial access method has surged by 180%, driven by zero-day exploits. With...
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At iTBlueprint, we believe in more than just providing security solutions; we are committed to empowering your organization against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Our approach follows a comprehensive life cycle, focusing on processes, people, and technology requirements.  Why a NIST Assessment is Important:  Adopting a NIST assessment is pivotal in today’s dynamic digital...
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There’s no denying that the IT consulting industry is growing world-wide. But what’s behind it all? Why are more and more businesses gravitating towards this increasingly utilized market trend? In this blog we’re going to answer all those questions and more as we delve deeper into the world of IT consultancy and the myriad benefits...
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An average organization gets hit by approximately 700 socially engineered attacks (such as phishing attacks) every year. Instead of trying to bypass firewalls and breach security systems, hackers have discovered that it’s easier to target employees. In fact, up to 90% of ALL cyber attacks today are said to have a human component to them....
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With the sudden increase of the virtual workforce, the number of vulnerable endpoints has expanded exponentially. What hasn’t increased is your traditional antivirus solution’s ability to protect those endpoints. Protecting your workers and defending against breaches requires innovative defenses and technology that provide visibility and radically simplify your security operations. Breach defense is priority one—stop...
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There’s been a lot of talk about SASE and like any new technology, a lot of promises about how it will “change the world as we know it.” More than just a cute acronym, SASE stands for Secure Access Service Edge which put into every-day speak means delivering consistent security and quality of user experience...
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It’s not surprising that ransomware has seen a significant uptick so far in 2021, with the influx of hybrid and remote workers, and other instabilities caused by the pandemic. What is surprising is that in just the first 6 months of the year, the global attack volume increased by 151%. With the average cost per...
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According to the Ponemon Institute, more than 1 in 4 companies will experience at least one cyberattack incident in the next two years. And with an increase in work-from-home business models, the remote workforce is a prime target for opportunistic thugs. One more downer, most companies have unprotected data and poor cybersecurity practices in place,...
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